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Trouble In Customs & How Liverpool F.C. Saved The Day!

International Orangutan Day 2024

There is an old adage that states that,  “Time passes quicker the older you get” and that certainly seems true for us at Orangutan Veterinary Aid (OVAID) as we are already approaching another World Orangutan Day again in 2024.

In fact for us, every day is related to orangutan in one way or another and so, having a specific day seems strange, nevertheless it serves to draw the public’s attention to the plight of this critically endangered species. Also, World Orangutan Day usually coincides with one of our trips to Indonesia and so it is again this year when we leave in July, coincidentally the 10th anniversary for the charity.


We have set out to fundraise £10,000 to cover the cost of equipment and medicines that we will be taking out to more than 13 rescue centre vet teams this year. As always we rely on our long term supporters and veterinary wholesalers, JAK Marketing Ltd in Yorkshire for many of our veterinary supplies. The logistics of sourcing all the hundreds of requested items is a nightmare as the staff at JAK know very well. Kate on reception has us on redial as James and Will receive daily phone calls of new orders from us as we get frustratingly last minute requests. The team at JAK however, never fail us no matter how obtuse our request and we know that we can rely on their constant support and ability to source whatever we need.


Travelling across the world with 160kg of expensive equipment packed into suitcases is always, shall we say, interesting. Those of you who have navigated through Indonesia will know that suitcases are constantly x-rayed, re-xrayed and then x-rayed again starting before you even reach the check-in counter, so our cases loaded with unusual objects are always a source of scrutiny. Carrying letters of authority helps but there is no guaranteed right of passage and as we are often travelling to remote non tourist destinations two sweaty Europeans lugging excessive baggage are always going to stand out from the crowd. Enthusiastic customs supervisors rub their hands with glee at the approaching, creaking trolleys whilst the more tired shift look resigned.


We have lost count of the number of times we have now traversed Indonesian airport arrivals halls and I think that we have experienced the whole gamut of scenarios but one of the funniest was entering Sumatra one year. Travelling on my own I was singled out for inspection and accosted by an extremely grumpy and officious customs officer. “Passport!” he snarled and pointing to my cases bulging with anaesthetic and laboratory equipment, “Open those!”. I passed across my passport equally bulging with tell tale, frequent Indonesian entry visa stamps resignedly accepting that joviality was not going to win this man over. “Ah”, he cried, “ Ingriss? (English?)” “Yes” I replied. “Ah, Manchester United?” he shouted. Now I am not the greatest football fan and I did know Marcus Rashford but for some inexplicable reason, instead of going with the flow and agreeing, I blurted out “No, Liverpool”. As the customs officer went  red and his eyes seemed to pop out I instantly regretted my stupidity. I could not even recall one player in the Liverpool squad and I seemed to have dug myself into a customs grave, I would never see my suitcases again let alone England! “LIVERPOOL! “ he shouted accusingly. Resigned to my fate, I sulkily agreed, at which point he broke out a wide grin and peeled back his customs shirt to reveal a bright red Liverpool F.C. team shirt. I was waved through the green lane and on my way at high speed!


Providing essential equipment and medicines remains OVAID’s core function but, following the success of our in country workshops over the last couple of years we have realised the importance and need for more learning opportunities. With Gerhard Putter from Dick White Referrals firmly on board to help deliver more dental training and the ability to call on the extensive anaesthetic skills of Aleksandr Semjonov from Estonia and cardiology specialist Laurent Locquet we are proposing establishing a 3-year on-line learning programme in basic dentistry and anaesthesia leading to further teaching workshops to be held in-situ at some of the orangutan rescue and rehabilitation centres in Indonesia. We have now successfully secured grant funding allowing us to move forward with this exciting programme. This has taken extensive preparation over the last few months and has kept OVAID busy.


For now though, we will be celebrating World Orangutan Day delivering all those boxes from JAK 7,000 miles from base!

With the imminent visit to deliver donations and the online  programme in the pipeline retirement still seems to be eluding us but nevertheless it keeps us busy and time flying by.

A Half Century!

OVAID's CEO reflects on being a qualified vet for 50 years!

This article was written at the request of the veterinary press.


In this particular year, bell bottom trousers and tie-dyed shirts are fashion essentials, news of the Watergate Affair breaks, the Vietnam war ends, and the BIC lighter was born.

Most of you reading this random set of facts will have no idea that this was 50 years ago - 1973 the year that I graduated from Bristol Veterinary School and as a super confident but wet-behind-the-ears vet, was released onto the unsuspecting pet owning general public!

Those 50 years have passed too quickly but have given me endless enjoyment as my career as a mixed practice vet developed, interspersed with many heartbreaks of course as well as good smatterings of stress, traumas, and despair but all overridden by the joy of doing something I loved and did not even consider a job for the most part - more an enviable way of life.

It seems trite to recall the joy of bringing new life into the world, perhaps being able to re-assure a traumatised owner, the contentment of delivering a yellow-stained lamb amidst the scratchy straw in the warmth of a lambing shed at 2 a.m. or the masochistic pleasure of treating a milk fever cow in a field as the sun rises on a crisp autumn morning when everyone else in the world seems to be asleep.

1973 saw me enter an assistantship at the long gone Messrs Parsons & Campbell of Exeter St Launceston in Cornwall and in 1979 was superseded by the start of a 24-year stint as practice owner in Devon and then in 2003 with the sale of the practice, a return to the fold of a multi-person mixed practice with a view to abandoning the arduous night rotas and slowly retiring gracefully.

Not the most relevant or adequate forerunner to launching yourself into a completely new wildlife career 7000 miles away from rural Cornwall you would guess but that is exactly what fate had in store for me when, in 2009 I spent the summer volunteering at an orangutan rehabilitation centre in Sabah, Borneo.

My six weeks at the orangutan rehabilitation centre proved truly life-changing. The orangutans were more than I had ever anticipated, of course, gentle and endearing but deep, thoughtful, amusing, and worryingly vulnerable. I felt that they were reaching out to me and I could not walk away; what I had undertaken as an amusing self-indulgence was turning into an obsession. When you look deep into the eyes of an orangutan you see its soul and it captures your heart.

A few weeks after returning from Borneo a very surprising email dropped into my inbox. I re-read the email for the second time with a strange mixture of feelings- excitement, incredulity, trepidation, disbelief, but even as I scanned it yet again I knew that my answer would be yes. Sitting at my desk in rural Cornwall after another depressing day of tuberculin testing consigning more unlucky cows to the abattoir and their owner a step further into depression I could not believe my luck. Just three months after returning to the UK I was being asked to travel back to Sepilok in Sabah to act as the centre’s sole charge veterinary surgeon caring for its 50+ orangutans. I was full of enthusiasm, my wife was trepidatious, what could possibly go wrong?

For the last 14 years, I have worked almost exclusively with orangutans spending periods of several months at a time working within the veterinary teams of the rescue and rehabilitation centres in Borneo and Sumatra and I can say without hesitation that I have had even more job satisfaction in those years than in my previous veterinary career. I had managed to launch myself onto a completely new career path at the age of 60 and the prospects seemed exciting and stretched ahead like an open road.

Deforestation resulting in loss of habitat and the resultant inevitable increased human-orangutan conflict has seen orangutan numbers plummet continuously in the last 100 years. Today we estimate that there may only be 75,000 orangutans surviving and this number decreases year by year. In the last 20 years, orangutan habitat has been reduced by 80% despite the efforts of conservationists and those working to rescue, rehabilitate, and hopefully return a proportion of the species to the wild.

In 2014 my wife Sara, who has trained as a lay veterinary nurse and I, established the charity Orangutan Veterinary Aid (OVAID). Moving from our original base in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo we had come to recognise the urgency of the plight of the orangutan in Indonesia. Malaysian Borneo forests had already been raped by the well-established massive palm oil companies but in Indonesia the process was a few years behind and deforestation was still accelerating. This meant that compared to the 2-3 orangutans rescued in Sabah each year, rescue centres in Indonesia had an intake of 2-3 every few weeks. Whilst Indonesian orangutans are technically owned by the Indonesian Government there is no financial support for the rescue and rehabilitation of displaced or pet orangutans with the result that all centres are NGO or charity-run. The consequence of this is that budgets are stretched and any centre’s financial priorities lie understandably with providing the essential infrastructure including buildings, cages, food, keepers’ wages, etc. The veterinary budget comes a long way down this long list and this fact was highlighted to Sara and I when asked to see a newly graduated orangutan vet’s emergency equipment we were presented with a day pack rucksack containing a few syringes, an out of date bottle of penicillin and a handful of simple instruments.
We realised that here was an opportunity for us to not only use our professional skills but with our contacts to help supply these dedicated young vets with the veterinary equipment they lacked. Orangutan Veterinary Aid was born and the prospects of my retirement sailed out the window.

Without Sara, I would have achieved nothing but working as a team together we have built our completely voluntary run charity and delivered an estimated £400,000 of medicines and equipment to over 25 wildlife rescue organisations in Indonesia and Malaysia over the last 9 years.

This has taken perseverance and a thick skin but could also not have been achieved without ongoing help from fellow vets, practices, and the generosity of many commercial companies in the veterinary sector in the U.K. The companies are too numerous to mention all individually (check out our website for a list!) but we must mention our longest and most dedicated supporter J.A.K. Marketing Ltd whose generosity has helped us beyond measure and without whose support we would not have achieved many of our goals.

Throughout my career, I have been lucky to have worked with vets who have selflessly shared their knowledge and advice allowing me to grow both in confidence and skill sets. This support, especially at the outset of one’s career, is so important and without it can leave you floundering and lacking the confidence to progress. I feel that it is important to try to give back a little of the generosity that one has received in one’s career.

At Orangutan Veterinary Aid we have recognised this and whilst our core remit is to provide essential equipment we now concentrate equally on providing training and backup to the often newly graduated and inexperienced wildlife vets. In 2019 we established a scholarship to bring young Indonesian orangutan vets to the U.K. for an exchange of ideas and learning opportunities and in the last 12 months we have facilitated two practical workshops, one in Sumatra and one this summer in Kalimantan, Borneo.

A chance encounter with specialist veterinary dentist Gerhard Putter who is head of maxilla facial and dentistry at Dick White Referrals in Cambridge has led to a firm friendship and a mutual desire to improve the dentistry facilities and skills of the vets in the major rescue centres in Indonesia. Spending a week in Sumatra with us in November 2022 and undertaking practical dentistry with 6 vets galvanised what all three of us would like to achieve - a learning opportunity for the vets and an improvement in welfare for the orangutan. Gerhard’s enthusiasm fits perfectly with our charity aims.

In August this year the charity facilitated an 8-day workshop in Kalimantan where Gerhard accompanied by fellow wildlife vets Aleksandr Semjonov anaesthetist from the University of Estonia and Laurent Locquet cardiologist from Dick White Referrals operated on a number of orangutan and sun bears teaching 10 veterinarians in all three subjects. We see this as a step towards possibly establishing an online academic programme in several subjects leading to further workshop opportunities.

The charity is currently seeking sponsors for this primarily dental-orientated programme and any enquiries should be directed to More details of the charity can be found on our website or our social media outlets.

Fifty years have not dented my enthusiasm for a profession that may be currently troubled but which has given me so many unseen opportunities and an ability to assist in what may be niche areas but nevertheless, to bring about some impact. There can be nothing worse than sitting back and declaring in a resigned voice that nothing can be done, that there is no future. The future is out there, grasp it today - just in case you don’t make the 50 years!

OVAID CEO Nigel Hicks has article published in the Veterinary Press October 2021

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